Tirupur Map

Tirupur Map

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tirupur Exporters Association

Tirupur Exporters Association
Popularly known as TEA - was established in the year 1990. This is an Association exclusively for exporters of cotton knitwear who have production facilities in Tirupur. From the modest beginning TEA has grown into a strong body of knitwear exporters. Today, TEA has a membership of 658 Life members and 155 Associate Members. The members of the Association, from the beginning, have resolved to develop their organization focusing on
Multilateral growth of knitwear industry and exports
Development of infrastructural needs for Tirupur.
Implementation of schemes for the benefit of the socity and public
Promotion of constructive co-operation with workers with fair division of rewards
General upliftment of quality of life of Tirupur. For Foreign Buyer TEA:-
Offers conferencing and secretarial services
Helps in Locating suitable suppliers
Helps in resolving disputes.

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